
Demographic document (video)


Take a video of the demographic document or any other data you want to share. Show anything else that the photos did not show.

Insurance Card


Please take a photo of the front and back of the insurance card. You will be asked this two times in a row (1) align in the frame of the camera - (2) align the second side to the first side in the overlay.

Wound Close Up


Take a picture of the entire wound - CLOSE UP. Align to overlay and have grey card in the same plane as the wound for auto-analytics to work.

Wound Visual Voicemal


Please show any details that are important to see to know and articulate any additional questions.

Wound Wide Angle


Take a picture of the entire wound, a bit further, showing the wound and healthy skin. Align to overlay and have grey card in the same plane as the wound for auto-analytics to work.

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